Fashion - United Kingdom
Avg. Price
18.14 GBP
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Showing Average Selling Price data for United Kingdom, Fashion Category

As of 01 Jun 2023
This graph highlights a week-on-week comparison of the average prices for the United Kingdom Fashion Category.

Average selling price in fashion

Top 5 Categories

Categories with the highest change

Week on week comparison
Sub Categories Avg. Price Difference
Accessories 11.3 GBP -1.23% ↓
T-shirt 11.8 GBP -17.77% ↓
Jeans 20.4 GBP -12.09% ↓
Dress 17.6 GBP -14.30% ↓
Swimwear 9.6 GBP -7.08% ↓
Footwear 25.1 GBP -18.93% ↓
Sweatshirt 16.4 GBP -12.14% ↓
Knitwear 22.2 GBP -5.21% ↓
Trousers / Shorts 16.2 GBP -12.61% ↓
Skirt 14.8 GBP -15.63% ↓
Cosmetics 7.8 GBP -12.07% ↓
Underwear 12.0 GBP -10.45% ↓
Suit 25.0 GBP -11.13% ↓
Other 22.2 GBP -11.26% ↓

Showing New Arrivals data for United Kingdom, Fashion Category

As of 01 Jun 2023
This graph highlights a week-on-week comparison of the new arrivals for the UK Fashion Category.

New arrivals in fashion

Top 5 Categories

Categories with the highest change

Week on week comparison
Sub Categories New Arrivals Difference
Accessories 204 -4.41% ↓
T-shirt 310 -40.00% ↓
Jeans 130 -25.38% ↓
Dress 122 -77.05% ↓
Swimwear 20 -225.00% ↓
Footwear 152 -73.03% ↓
Sweatshirt 110 -43.64% ↓
Knitwear 72 -120.83% ↓
Trousers / Shorts 171 -72.51% ↓
Skirt 30 -80.00% ↓
Cosmetics 42 64.29% ↑
Underwear 32 -84.38% ↓
Suit 0 0.00% ↑
Other 281 -37.37% ↓

Showing Assortment data for United Kingdom, Fashion Category

As of 01 Jun 2023
This graph highlights a week-on-week comparison of the assortments for the United Kingdom Fashion Category.

Assortments in fashion

Total Categories

Categories with the highest change

Week on week comparison
Sub Categories Assortments
Accessories 8.48%
T-shirt 14.28%
Jeans 5.72%
Dress 9.41%
Swimwear 1.64%
Footwear 6.26%
Sweatshirt 4.88%
Knitwear 3.96%
Trousers / Shorts 11.10%
Skirt 1.57%
Cosmetics 2.56%
Underwear 3.86%
Suit 0.17%
Other 16.62%

Showing Assortment data for United Kingdom, Fashion Category

As of 01 Jun 2023
This graph highlights a week-on-week comparison of the assortments for the United Kingdom Fashion Category.

Inventory Summary in fashion

Top 10 Brands

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